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The Greatest Biden Lies Of All Time

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AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Of all the great liars – Baghdad Bob, Teddy Kennedy, Bill Clinton, etc. – President Joe Biden has to rank at or near the top, and would certainly make the Mt. Rushmore of bovine post-digested food secretion artists in history. There is nothing he hasn’t lied about, from his own childhood and academic accomplishments, to how and where his own son died. That shows a dedication to the craft unrivaled in modern times and a shamelessness that would make a Kardashian blush. 


All of Joe’s life has been a lie, so that Democrats are extending that lie to his legacy should surprise no one. “He’s done more in 4 years than most Presidents do in 8” is as absurd as it is hilarious. It’s the “It’s not you, it’s me” or the “I love you too much” line you tell someone as you’re dumping them before running off to be with the person you’re really dumping them for. 

Only some people seem to believe it, which is as much testimony against a public education as it is anything else. There are a lot of suckers in the United States, and far too many of them have press passes. 

Back to Biden and his lies. He’s lied about his upbringing and his religion – he has claimed to be a “devout Catholic” while simultaneously being raised in the black church and in synagogues. It’s rather gross and completely shameless, but Joe is one of the all-time great panderers. He’s said he was part of the Civil Rights movement and NOT a party of the Civil Rights movement. Considering no one in the actual Civil Rights movement in Delaware has any memory of seeing Joe at any meeting or event, AND there is zero record of his involvement, including the arrest he claimed happened, this is undoubtedly another lie. He would be the only “Civil Rights” activist who bragged about their friendship and professional relationship with segregationists, as Joe has, so…


Joe has lied about his education. He’s lied about grades, degrees, scholarships, and position in his class. The only thing he didn’t lie about is that he went to college, though his “intelligence” calls that into doubt too.

Joe has lied about meeting his current wife – her ex-husband says they’d been sleeping together while he was still married to Jill. Honestly, he’s better off rid of her. He’s even lied about the death of his favorite son, Beau. Joe routinely talks about how he died in Iraq, especially when talking to Gold Star families. Sometimes he says Beau died FROM Iraq, like his brain cancer was a result of something he was exposed to over there. I don’t know if that’s true, but I also know Joe doesn’t either and he’s not being that nuanced, he’s just exploiting his son’s death for political advantage. 

It's gross. So much about Joe Biden is gross. 

That doesn’t mean the Democrats didn’t screw him over – being a bad person doesn’t mean karma sometimes comes with spite. 

The latest lie involving Joe is about how effective and important he is as a President. This long, slow, wet kiss on his rear end is undoubtedly part of the deal Democratic Party elites struck with him to get him out of the race – the establishment will pretend he’s a hero and will it into history books, provided he leaves without a fight. Otherwise, it’s the 25th Amendment for you!


The “historic” Karine Jean-Pierre told the sea hags on The View, “What we saw from this president the last couple of days was human decency, a good man, someone who decided not to put himself first, like we’ve seen before, but to put the American people first.”

This woman spent the last year lying to the public on behalf of this man, now she’s out there pretending she wasn’t; pretending she still has credibility. 

All of them are pretending Joe’s administration was so wildly successful that he doesn’t need a second term. That’s so stupid as to be laughable. It’s like saying he’s already accomplished everything he’d set out to do, so there’s no reason to keep the gig, except he’d been campaigning on all the things he said he wanted or needed to do. Why would someone so effective leave so many things unaccomplished? 

They’re lying, of course. All of Joe Biden’s life has been a series of lies, why should his exit be any different? It is, I guess, in that other people are telling the lies on his behalf rather than him having to do it. But liex by proxy are still lies, and people with the truth on their side don’t have to do any of it. That Democrats have to do so much of it, all the time, tells you all you really need to know about them, doesn’t it? 


Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!) and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses, and host of the weekly “Week in F*cking Review” podcast where the news is spoken about the way it deserves to be. Follow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter.

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